
19th Century Philosophers: Marx

II. Marx: Basis Theses (Summarized)

1. Primary Theses: History is a dialectical, deterministic process directed, overwhelmingly, by the material modes of production. Ideologies do not move the world what occurs in detail follows from the particular historical situation. Capitalism is a social – economic system which because of its institutionalization of private property, causes alienation in three ways: alienation from products alienation from one’s activity and hence alienation from oneself, and alienation from other human beings. In political terms, the historical process exhibits itself through a series of class struggles in which a dominant minority class directs the society. Increasing polarization occurs and the classless society offers a resolution of the struggle. Capitalism creates forces that it cannot control and these forces institute the destruction of the capitalist system. Labor determines the value of a product. The destruction of capitalism will occur first in the most advanced industrial societies because of the increasingly misery of the workers which strengthens and unifies the proletariat. All of the preceding theses are empirical generalizations.

2. Secondary Theses: The “dictatorship of the proletariat” (not dealt with in detail) is a transitionary stage in the development of communism. Although measures in different nations or societies will differ, violent means are necessary for the destruction of capitalism. Free competition in a capitalist system does not further the best interests of the society as a whole and does not even preserve the free competition because it inevitably concentrates capital in fewer and fewer hands. Here can be no REAL freedom and individuality for the great mass of people in a capitalist society. In modern society, the distinction between capitalist and landowner tends to break down. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Communism is an international movement, although the overthrow of capitalism also occurs in separate nations. Communism will bring about the abolition of war as antagonism among classes and nations disappears. “Religion is the opium of the people.” All the preceding theses are empirical generalizations.