
19th Century Philosophers: Comte

IV. Positive Philosophy (Science)

A. All phenomena are subject to “invariable natural Laws.” Rejection of the search for absolute knowledge is to be found in this area of concern. First and final causes are rejected in favor of an attempt to “analyze accurately the circumstances of phenomena, and to connect them by the natural relations of succession and resemblance. For example, the Laws of Universal Gravitation connects numerous facts without giving any ultimate meaning to weight and attraction.

B. General Method: Observation, Experiment, and Comparison”

“Facts cannot be o served without the guidance of some theory.” So some theoretical structure is necessary in science. Facts do not simply show themselves.

C. Hierarchy of the Sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology and Social Physics constitute the hierarchy. Pure mathematics provides the model for reasoning and evidence in the science. Of the natural sciences, Astronomy is the “most general, simple, and abstract of all.” Social Physics, like Physics itself, may be divided into Static and Dynamics.

Social Statics studies the social organization in terms of the individual, the family, the society, and eventually the whole human species. “The static study of sociology consists in the investigation of the laws of action and reaction of the different parts of the social system—apart, for the occasion, from the fundamental movement that is always gradually modifying them (224, ACP).

Social Dynamics, which is more interesting) studies the natural progress of societies. “The true general spirit of social dynamics then, consists in conceiving of teach of these consecutive social states as the necessary result of the preceding and the indispensable mover of the following . . . . “ (p. 230, ACP). As one moves up the hierarchy, the science becomes less exact and less systematic.

D. Reductionism:

Science attempts to discover the smallest number of laws to explain all phenomena. In the hierarchy, each higher science is dependent upon the simpler, more general science below it. So chemistry is dependent upon physics and social physics is dependent upon physiology. The higher science cannot be effectively studied before competent knowledge is acquired in the lower science. Although a dependency exists among the sciences and an important unity of method exists, each also has its own special methods and its doctrines are not entirely reducible to the more basic science—although the doctrines of both sciences remain “homogeneous”.

E. Rejection of Introspective Psychology

Any attempt to discover laws of the mind through any sort of introspective psychology is theological or metaphysical rather than scientific. “Interior observation” supposes the absurdity of “a man seeing himself think. Physiological study of the intellectual organs (“phrenological psychology”) is the proper method of science. For example, one should study the anatomy and physiology, that is, the structure and function of the brain. There is no interior state of personal identity, “the I,” that exists over and above a human beings animal function. The very abstract and indirect notion of the “I proceed” from a sense harmony within the organism. So there is no sharp difference in kind between human beings and others animals. Thus animals can reason to some degree and also exhibit characteristics of moral phenomena.

F. Determinism

Since all phenomena are subject to invariable natural laws, all human actions are determined. Determinism does not lead to fatalism however since knowledge shows that human beings are capable of unending modifications. So there is always hope for human progress (p. 188, ACP)

G. Social Reorganization

Society needs to be reorganized on the basis of knowledge of social physics. In the future, it will be possible to attain a natural and regular or normal society—as opposed to the present revolutionary state of things. Political wisdom consists in political practice in accord with social physics (pp. 238-39, ACP). An industrial-scientific elite should announce the invariable laws governing society and direct the society. Women functioning within the family are the primary originators of spirituality and morality within the society. Workers should recognize the dignity of their labor and their need to serve the greater interests of society.