Lesson 2. The right to live is not the right not to be killed; it is the right not to be killed unjustly.
Suppose that you have to spend mine years in bed in order to save the life of the violinist. According to Thomson, if you disconnect from him, you are killing him, but you are not killing him unjustly.
This is true, despite the fact that he has a right to life just as any other person.
Applied to abortion, the lesson is that the pro lifer needs to do more than show that the fetus has a right to life. The pro lifer needs to show more than that because from the fact that a fetus has a right to life it does not necessarily follow that it has a right not to be killed, but only that it has a right not to be killed unjustly.
The critic of abortion needs to go beyond this to show that abortion is unjust killing.