Part 8 - Misconceptions about Cloning
The book entitled, "Whose Afraid of Human Cloning" presents four misconceptions concerning cloning:
1. A human originated by Soma Cell Nuclear Transfer will be incubated in an artificial womb until he or she mature. First, there is no such thing as an "artificial womb" and there will likely not be for quite some time. Human beings simply cannot be grown in vats.
2. A human originated by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer will grow from a zygote to an adult in a short span of time, perhaps instantaneously. This is simply not true at this point. A clone would take the same amount of time as is needed for a non-clone to grow.
3. A human originated by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer will be treated as a slave or as less than human. This is not true either. It would be just as illegal to treat a clone as a slave as a non-clone. The clone would be protected by the 14th amendment just as the non-clone.
4. A human originated by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer will be an exact copy of another person; therefore in a way it is possible for a person to "reproduce himself." Again, this simply isn't true. The clone would almost be a genetic duplicate of the donor of the DNA, but not an exact genetic duplicate. In a sense the clone would only be a "virtual" twin of the donor.