Part 2 - Abortion and Religiously Entrenched Presuppositions
According to Rachel's, there is no clear support in the Bible for either position on the abortion debate. Nevertheless, people sometimes think that the Bible or church tradition offers clear support for their own personal moral views, including their views on abortion. Rachel's identifies a common pattern among these individuals:
1. Scripture or tradition contains elements favoring your positions on a moral issue and it should be added there is no consensus today among biblical scholars as to what a given passage really means.
2. You already believe that one position is correction.
3. You emphasize the elements in scripture of tradition that support your position and ignore the elements that do not or you choose the interpretations that best support your position and you ignore the other interpretations which differ from your own interpretation or interpretive conclusions.
When this occurs you are not engaging in a sincere effort to discover whether a given behavior really is right or wrong. Rather you are making up your mind ahead of time and then paying attention only to the evidence that supports your own position. Rather than lettering the premises of the evidence or reasons, determine the conclusion, you have decided on the conclusion in advance and have ignored all reasons and evidences that do not support your conclusions. It should be point out that this methodology is not genuine inquiry.